Fair Play in the Workplace.

Get in Touch Today

Legal Solutions for Serious Workplace Issues

You don’t have to face an unhealthy or hostile workplace alone – my firm helps level the playing field for employees working in small and large companies. I can advise on a course of action that can help resolve an employment issue and keep a job or help obtain benefits that are owed when leaving a job. Examples of situations where I can be of assistance:

  • Employment Discrimination & Harassment

    I was fired, paid less, demoted, not promoted, or my working conditions got worse because of my race, sex, religion, age, disability, pregnancy, or other protected status.

    I am the victim of unwelcome sexual conduct or requests for a sexual favor at work.

  • Retaliation

    I was fired, demoted, or my working conditions got worse because I reported something.

    I was fired, demoted, or my working conditions got worse because I made a workers compensation claim or took FMLA.

  • Unpaid / Stolen Wages

    My tips were not paid

    My overtime was not paid or paid at the wrong rate

    My accrued vacation not paid after quitting or employment terminated

    My hourly wage is less than Illinois or Chicago minimum

  • Unemployment Claim Appeals

    My unemployment claim was denied by the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES).

Focused on Cost-Effective Legal Solutions in Labor and Employment Law

Peter Manikowski

The practice of law is my dream and passion. Building on a successful career in finance and statistical modeling for projects involving several of the country’s largest financial institutions, and supporting my wife’s medical education, residency, and fellowship, I had the opportunity to attend law school later in life. I am also a professional soccer referee and currently serve as an officer in the of the Major League Soccer referees union (“Professional Soccer Referees Association”). In this role, I am involved in resolving a wide range of workplace and labor related issues and served as chair of the negotiating committee for most recent union contract negotiations. 

 Leveraging my experiences in corporate America and as a union member and leader, I formed my law practice to focus on helping working people navigate labor and employment legal issues. I have deep compassion for fair play in the workplace and apply my experience to advocate for workers’ rights and protections.



J.D., IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, cum laude, Joint Certificate - Workplace Litigation / ADR

M.A., Mathematics, Loyola University Chicago

B.S., Statistics, Loyola University Chicago


Member, National Employment Lawyers Association – Illinois (NELA-Illinois)



State of Illinois

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois



Pro Bono Volunteer, CVLS

Election Judge, Cook County, Illinois

 Manikowski Law Office, L.L.C.

1010 Lake St., Suite 200, Oak Park, IL 60301

Office: (708) 529-9661
